SCFA Suppositories


Short chain fatty acid suppositories

Formulation: Sodium Acetate 10mg, Sodium Propionate 40mg, Sodium Butyrate 60mg

Short chain fatty acid suppositories for improving colonic health.

Description: Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are an essential part of metabolic energy for the colon’s epithelial cells. When dietary fiber is fermented by bacteria in the colon it produces SCFAs. The production of SCFAs (or rather lack of production) has been associated with numerous chronic conditions related to the gastrointestinal system like Crohn’s disease as well as other conditions like diabetes.

Supplementing short chain fatty acids can help improve colonic health when they are administered in the form of an enema or suppository.


Review article: short chain fatty acids in health and disease – Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Colonic infusions of short-chain fatty acid mixtures promote energy metabolism in overweight/obese men: a randomized crossover trial – Scientific Reports

Order Short Chain Fatty Acid Suppositories

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Phone: (323) 851-4444
