Weight Management Creams

cream tube

Weight Management Creams


Formula 1: Aminophylline 0.5%

Formula 2: Aminophylline 0.5%, 7-Keto DHEA 2.5%, Phenylephrine HCl 0.25%

Formula 3: Aminophylline 0.5%, 7-Keto DHEA 5%

Qty: 60mL Pump

Description: Weight management creams contain several ingredients for helping with weight management.

Aminophylline: PDE5 inhibitor shown to reduce waist circumference when applied topically.

7-Keto DHEA: Similar to DHEA, which is this ingredient’s “parent” hormone. 7-Keto DHEA may help speed metabolism and convert more energy to heat instead of storing it as fat.


Topical fat reduction from the waist – Diabetes, Obesity, & Metabolism (PubMed)

Effects of a topical lotion containing aminophylline, caffeine, yohimbe, l‐carnitine, and gotu kola on thigh circumference, skinfold thickness, and fat mass in sedentary females – Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (PubMed)

Order Weight Management Creams

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