Tetracaine (Pontocaine) Solution
Formulation: Tetracaine 2%, 4%, or 6% solution
Provides topical anesthesia for a variety of procedures.
Tetracaine is an amino-ester class local anesthetic. It is used for a variety of procedures in different specialties. Primarily tetracaine works via blockade of intracellular sodium channels. It is a potent topical anesthetic with a relatively fast onset of action.
A tetracaine or tetracaine/oxymetazoline solution is the preferred topical anesthetic for many otolaryngologists. Studies have shown that when it comes to nasal anesthesia, for example, that tetracaine applied topically provides a greater decrease in pain than lidocaine.
Due to its higher protein binding, tetracaine tends to last longer than lidocaine. This is a great benefit for certain procedures that last longer than an hour.
Tetracaine Solution Uses
A topical anesthetic solution can be used for many procedures performed by otolaryngologists. The tetracaine solution we compound is not for ophthalmic use, although this is a common use for tetracaine solution.
Tetracaine and tetracaine/oxymetazoline can be used for:
Laryngoscopy: Laryngoscopy is endoscopy of the larynx, a part of the throat.
Bronchoscopy: Bronchoscopy is an endoscopic technique of visualizing the inside of the airways.
Esophagoscopy: Examination of the esophagus using an esophagoscope.
Nasal Procedures: Any procedure involving the nasal cavities may require topical anesthetic. For example, topical tetracaine is often preferred for nasal septoplasty.
Formulations with Vasoconstrictors
Topical anesthetics combined with a vasoconstrictor may be more effective than an anesthetic used alone. Our compounding pharmacy can make a formulation that includes both tetracaine and oxymetazoline in one solution.
The vasoconstrictor helps the anesthetic stay in the area where it is applied longer. It prevents migration to increase anesthetic effects where it is needed and also reduce systemic effects through absorption.
Study of Topical Anesthesia During Bronchoscopy – CHEST Journal
Safety of topical tetracaine in patients undergoing flexible bronchoscopy – Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology
Tetracaine – StatPearls
Order Tetracaine (Pontocaine)
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