Pilocarpine Troches


Pilocarpine Troches

Formulation: Pilocarpine 2mg troches

Description: Pilocarpine is in the miotics family of medications and stimulates the production of saliva and sweat. When taken orally, it can help prevent dry mouth due to Sjögren’s syndrome and radiation treatments required for head and neck cancer.

Xerostomia (dry mouth) can have a variety of causes. Sjögren’s syndrome is an immune system disorder with the primary symptoms of dry eyes and mouth. In this disorder, the immune system attacks the healthy cells that are responsible for producing tears and saliva.

Pilocarpine was used for over a hundred years to manage pressure inside the eye, but this use is not as frequent now. When pilocarpine is used intraocularly, numerous side effects make it a less-than-ideal treatment option. However, pilocarpine has fewer side effects when used orally to treat decreased saliva production.


Pilocarpine for Sjögren’s Syndrome-Induced Dry Mouth and Dry Eyes: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness, Cost-Effectiveness, and Guidelines – CADTH Rapid Response Report: Summary with Critical Appraisal

Pilocarpine Tablets for the Treatment of Dry Mouth and Dry Eye Symptoms in Patients With Sjögren Syndrome – JAMA Internal Medicine

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