Tretinoin, Niacinamide Cream
Formulation: A vitamin A derivative used for treating acne and photoaging combined with niacinamide.
Examples: Tretinoin 0.025%, 0.05%, or 0.1% with niacinamide 4%
Description: Tretinoin has a variety of dermatological applications including the treatment of acne and photoaging. The medication works by increasing the rate of turnover of skin cells – allowing damaged skin cells to be shed while new cells grow in their place.
Acne is a common, chronic inflammatory diseases that is often triggered by microbial contamination of the skin or hormonal changes. The inflammatory process results in papules and pustules that can be painful and unsightly. Tretinoin is one of the most powerful medications available for treating acne.
Photoaging is damage caused to the skin after repeated, prolonged, and unprotected exposure to UV radiation from the sun or tanning bed. Signs of photoaging can include areas of discoloration, freckles and sun spots, and sometimes actinic keratosis. Tretinoin has consistently been shown to effectively treat signs of photoaging.
Using this medication during pregnancy is contraindicated. When given in the oral form to women of child bearing age there are often consent forms and pregnancy tests required before starting treatment.
Niacinamide is added to this formulation as an antioxidant, to stimulate new collagen synthesis, and improve the epidermal barrier.
Topical tretinoin for treating photoaging: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials – International Journal of Women’s Dermatology
Tretinoin: A Review of Its Anti-inflammatory Properties in the Treatment of Acne – The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology
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