TCA Peel
Formulation: Trichloroacetic acid peel 10%-30%
Tricholoracetic acid is an analogue of acetic acid that is commonly prescribed for dermatological conditions. Like other peels, it helps remove dead skin cells and damaged skin so that new, healthy skin can grow. TCA peels can be superficial, medium, or deep depending on the concentration and how they are used.
The many benefits of TCA peels include evening out the skin’s tone, softening the appearance of acne scars, reducing fine line lines and wrinkles, and even for treating acne breakouts. Numerous studies have shown that trichloroacetic acid peels are effective for treating photoaging and other skin conditions.
TCA peels are especially effective for treating photoaging – which refers to the visible changes in the skin that occur through accumulated sun exposure. Photoaging is a primary cause of “premature” aging – that is making the skin look older than it actually is. The best way to prevent photoaging is to use proper sun protection like broad-spectrum sunscreen. If the damage has already been done, however, there are treatments that can reduce its appearance. TCA peels remove the top layers of skin to allow new, undamaged skin to grow.
Trichloroacetic acid is an analogue of acetic acid that was first discovered in 1839. It is frequently used in cosmetic treatments to create a medium to deep peel. The concentration and application time can alter the depth of the peel depending on the type of skin condition being treated. After a medium to deep peel, the recovery time can last from 1-2 weeks. For deeper peels the healing time may last up to 3 weeks. During this time the skin will be red, swollen, and feel like a sunburn at times. Gradually the skin will heal and new skin will replace peeled skin.
Trichloroacetic Acid Peeling for Treating Photoaging: A Systematic Review – Dermatology Research and Practice
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